Ginger, aka G-dog, Gingerbread, Gingerama, Gingerpalooza, or just plain “G”, is a 2-year old pit bull/shepherd mix who met her forever family at an Adopt-a-thon in Washington Square Park. Her people fell in love with her soulful, intelligent eyes and disproportionately large ears. We think she receives intergalactic messages through them, some would say “she hears dead people.” Ginger is an exuberant student of life -- an energetic playmate of dogs, children and grow-ups alike, an avid tennis ball chaser/chewer, a steadfast guard dog, an intrepid explorer (especially if there is food involved) and a sweet and tolerant sibling of Lady MacDuff, the cat. She is also an escape artist – she can open the front door and leave the apartment. Ginger likes long walks, meeting new people and dogs, roughhousing, chasing birds and squirrels, guarding her family members, especially when they sit on the toilet, and anything with peanut butter on it or in it. Ginger dislikes neighbors who do laundry early in the morning, motorcycles, bathing and water in general, being cooped up indoors, and anyone who does not shower her with attention.
**owned by Anna and Mark**
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