Sophie Nila was born on a warm afternoon in May off a country road in the Catskills. Being the pick of the litter of the females she earned the title of 'Gisele'. She now enjoys her central park west apartment and enjoys ball throwing, beef jerky & classical music. She does not appreciate rain but loves eating snow. A therapy dog who loves all who she meets.
**owned by Edith**
Dexter was born somewhere in NJ and was adopted by a family with 2 kids and 2 small dogs. At 6 months they decided to give him up with the excuse that they were moving. From what I can tell, they never moved and he probably got too big for them to manage. Oh, and his name was Snoopy. He then got picked up by a rescue and placed in a foster house, which turned out to be really full, do he then moved to another foster home in NJ. We read about him online and adopted him 3 weeks back.
As you know, he's a really fun and goofy pup. We still have a ways to go with training him but I think this will be the first time that he's ever had any training. He's great with kids and loves a good belly rub anytime.
**owned by Sho**
Kaya is a soon to be 13 year old lab with a severely distinguished white face. She loves eating and sleeping (these days more than ever). Like most older, big dogs her arthritis is pretty advanced, but she takes it all in stride. She also still loves her romps in Central Park, camping, swimming and frequent trips back to her hometown of Philadelphia. Kaya’s taken to eating massive amounts of Central Park dirt in her old age and her owner doesn’t mind as it seems to regulate the old lady/grandma (two of her least loved nicknames). She can often be found begging for treats on the Great Hill and acquiring several fingers in the process. She means no harm and likes to blame her owner (art teacher and artist) for not training her properly.
Alvie is a true New Yorker, named after Woody Allen’s character in Annie Hall. Being that she’s female, the ‘y’ was changed to an ‘ie’ in an effort to fem it up a bit. Alvie loves just about everything and everyone and could probably be considered one of the happiest dogs on the planet. The two and a half year old sister to Kaya is known for her full body wiggle and cuteness. Other than eating, her favorite pastime is getting attention. Like Kaya, she also loves the park, camping, swimming and trips to Philly to visit her cousin, Haydn. Although, she doesn’t love sleep quite as much as her older sister- Alvie’s been known to be awake and staring at her mom well before the weekday alarm goes off at 5:30am.
Both beautiful dogs live with their mom, Sara, who besides being a dog mom is also an art teacher and artist.
Born a poor black dog in North Carolina; Buddy Wolfgang Sherman was scooped up by North Shore Animal League out on Long Island but knew the 'burbs just weren't his style. Being a keen negotiator, Buddy made the rounds at all of NYC's finest mobile adoption centers where he swiftly commanded the attention of the Sherman Family and worked out a deal at the ripe old age of 4 weeks. Love at first sight, Buddy hasn't looked back since. A stoop dog at heart when he's not on Central Park's Great Hill, Buddy gives great lessons on perspective, and shakes down anyone with a treat! If wealth were measured in love, devotion, and affection, Buddy surely would be rolling in more than nature's best, but alas... Love is what we've got to give to our poor black dog... Our Buddy.
**owned by Lily, Lisa and Michael**
**owned by Lily, Lisa and Michael**
Sparky may have been the runt of the litter but she's still a scrappy little Jack Russell at heart. She is a Harlem resident that moved from CT a year ago. You can see Sparky's odd little gait in Central Park and near Morningside Park. She is obsessed with carrying sticks that are three times her length and loves to play chew Porter's head on a daily basis. Her best trick is to ring a bell hanging from her apartment front door if she needs to go out. Although she is fearless with big dogs, she always pees all over herself when she sees her buddy Fred.
**owned by Donna and Kelsey**
**owned by Donna and Kelsey**
Shiva is also known as "Shiva-Diva", and "How Much Shit Can A Shitzu Shit?". She can be seen prancing happily along the streets of the Upper West Side and in Central Park. She is the world's most frustrated squirrel hunter since she has never been able to chase one down successfully with her little tiny legs. However, during breakfast she never fails to get her owner to feed her off his plate when she looks at him with her big sad eyes. One out of two ain't bad.
**owned by Ed and Susanna**
**owned by Ed and Susanna**
Warning: Don't let this dog's happy-go-lucky persona and liquid brown eyes fool you! He is a diabolical chocolate lab only pretending to be a goofy dog! Here is the evidence:
Fact: If marrying his Chuck-It wasn't illegal in 49 out of the 50 States, he wouldn't living in sin. However, he is seriously considering eloping to West Virginia so he and his ball thrower can live in legal wedded bliss.
Fact: He has trained his people to take him to Central Park EVERYDAY and throw balls for him with his beloved Chuck-It. He has also trained them to yell at him from far away while he chews branches and sticks he is saving to vomit up later.
Fact: Cooper has a secret stash of forbidden cats hidden behind his living room couch.
Fact: He speaks 9 languages, and likes to smoke Cuban cigars.
Fact: Cooper is...the most interesting man in the world. Stay thirsty my friends.
So there you have it! If you see this dog on the street, DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYES.
**owned by Michelle and Francis**
Fact: If marrying his Chuck-It wasn't illegal in 49 out of the 50 States, he wouldn't living in sin. However, he is seriously considering eloping to West Virginia so he and his ball thrower can live in legal wedded bliss.
Fact: He has trained his people to take him to Central Park EVERYDAY and throw balls for him with his beloved Chuck-It. He has also trained them to yell at him from far away while he chews branches and sticks he is saving to vomit up later.
Fact: Cooper has a secret stash of forbidden cats hidden behind his living room couch.
Fact: He speaks 9 languages, and likes to smoke Cuban cigars.
Fact: Cooper is...the most interesting man in the world. Stay thirsty my friends.
So there you have it! If you see this dog on the street, DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYES.
**owned by Michelle and Francis**
Shadow: Salty Dog of the Seven Seas
Shadow was born aboard the S.S. Beagle a ship more famous for its scientist, Charles Darwin, than its dogs. It's a little known fact that Darwin's eight dogs helped him develop his theory of evolution. They are the unsung heroes of the S.S. Beagle. Shadow was not one of those heroes.
A tiny puppy at the time, he accompanied Darwin to the Galapagos islands. All snips and snails and puppy dog tails, though, the young canine soon tired of simply watching the birds with Darwin, and quickly got into mischief trying to chase the blue-footed boobies. Darwin, though a kind man, was dedicated to his work above all else and was quick to reprimand little Shadow. Shadow found sitting still all day was just not in his puppy nature and one day he decided he had had enough.
There had to be some more adventure out there! He packed up his knapsack and headed to the shore. He flagged down a ride from a passing pirate ship. The pirates, a friendly bunch, quickly welcomed him, adorned him with a black eye patch so he would fit in better on the ship, and fed him some nice deer jerky. He had a grand old time with the pirates, learning to carry a sword in his mouth to fight off rival pirates, honing his digging skills to find or bury treasure, and even taking the occasional swim just for fun.
As luck would have it, one day the pirate ship disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle and the next thing he knew, Shadow was washed up on the coast of Manhattan in the year 2011. He was then taken by a good Samaritan to Animal Care and Control in Harlem. A week later he was adopted by a loving family. Though he has adjusted to life of dry ground in Harlem, he still likes to wear his eye patch to remind him of his many adventures as a pirate dog.
**owned by Manu, Joy, Neena, Nicholas**
A tiny puppy at the time, he accompanied Darwin to the Galapagos islands. All snips and snails and puppy dog tails, though, the young canine soon tired of simply watching the birds with Darwin, and quickly got into mischief trying to chase the blue-footed boobies. Darwin, though a kind man, was dedicated to his work above all else and was quick to reprimand little Shadow. Shadow found sitting still all day was just not in his puppy nature and one day he decided he had had enough.
There had to be some more adventure out there! He packed up his knapsack and headed to the shore. He flagged down a ride from a passing pirate ship. The pirates, a friendly bunch, quickly welcomed him, adorned him with a black eye patch so he would fit in better on the ship, and fed him some nice deer jerky. He had a grand old time with the pirates, learning to carry a sword in his mouth to fight off rival pirates, honing his digging skills to find or bury treasure, and even taking the occasional swim just for fun.
As luck would have it, one day the pirate ship disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle and the next thing he knew, Shadow was washed up on the coast of Manhattan in the year 2011. He was then taken by a good Samaritan to Animal Care and Control in Harlem. A week later he was adopted by a loving family. Though he has adjusted to life of dry ground in Harlem, he still likes to wear his eye patch to remind him of his many adventures as a pirate dog.
**owned by Manu, Joy, Neena, Nicholas**
Lucy is an East Harlem resident, living next door to the world famous Rao's restaurant. She is also known as LOOOOO-CEEEE and Lucifer. Lucy is a Bernese Mountain Dog who has a never ending sense of fun and loves to be naughty. Her favorite toys are underwear, other dogs and anything that is forbidden. She has fluffy ears the get frizzy when it rains and she just ate her mom's new glasses. When she grows up, she wants to be a dentist, just like her mom. Or a professional squirrel hunter. Whichever makes more money.
**owned by Jillian**
**owned by Jillian**
Hi! I'm Tank Williams. I'm a three year old, Olde English Bulldog, originally from North Carolina. I miss the open spaces, but New York City has a lot of interesting things for me to smell. Plus, I love Central Park! When I'm not running and jumping at the park, I love to take long naps and eat meatballs.
**owned by Andrea and John**
**owned by Andrea and John**
Winston is a nearly two year old Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. He moved to the Upper West Side when he was just 6 pounds and has grown to a whopping 110 pounds. He loves the city but visits the country often to hike mountains, chase birds and run around on the beach. Winston loves playing, chewing on flossies and eating snacks. He does not like baths or doing tricks to get treats. His favorite vacation spot is Bar Harbor, Maine because in this town, dogs are allowed to go everywhere people go! He smiles a lot, poses for pictures and enjoys making messes. He sleeps in many different positions, his favorite being flat on his back with his paws in the air. Although he is a big boy, Winston wants everyone to know he is a lover, not a fighter. He hopes to see you in the park soon!
**owned by Kimberly and Herbert**
A special contribution from reader Dylan in memory of...OBI. Eat your heart out Dr. Seuss! Happy Halloween!
On the Great Hill
On the Great Hill
Where the Grickle-Grass Grows
And the wind smells like a rotting chicken-bone when it blows
And no dogs pee, except limp old Roxie
Is the Rock of the Lifted Obi.
And deep in the Grickle-Grass, some people say,
If you still look deep enough you can still see today,
The place where the Obi once stood
Just as long as she could
Before somebody lifted the Obi away.
What WAS Ms. Obi?
And why was she there?
And why was she lifted and taken somewhere
From the far end of town where the grickle-grass grows?
The Old Once-Ler still lives here
Ask him! He knows!
You wont see the Once-ler
Don’t knock on his Brownstone!
He stays in his Lerkim, watching 3-D TV in his home.
And he buys Brooks Brothers clothing online
He lurks alone in his Lerkim, cold under the roof
And wacks-off to midget transvestites and naked photos of Shia LeBeouf.
But, on special dank midnights on August the 1st
He peeks out of the shutters
And sometimes he speaks
And tells how the Obi was lifted away…
He will tell you, if you are willing to pay…
Way back in the days when the Great Hill was still nappy dirt
Full of crappy from the ass of Old Man Burt
And the Pond smelled like scum
And there were tricks in the North Woods
And the songs of the "stop! thief! birds" rang out in space
One morning I came to this glorious place
And then I saw the wide open fields! Walk miles with ease!
The un-gentrified fields! No stink of NYPD to be smelt in the breeze!
I said aloud, "Yes Please!"
Miles of miles of un-gentrified fields in the rancid hot summer breeze!
And, in these fields I saw Bar-Ba-Looters. What a bunch of wild hoots!
Frisking about in their Bar-Ba-Looter-Suits
As they played in the shade and compared their stolen fruits!
From the woody northy woods
Came the creepy holler
Of the Hummer-bird a'hummin'
Like a bird hustlin' a dollar.
But the prime real estate! Real Estate!
Sweat cheap prime real estate!
All of my life I have been searching for such property to take!
The gorgeous original detail! Proximity to the park!
The homes were tax abated, meant for minorities to own
Their homes were located in an empowerment zone!
I felt a great leaping
Of Joy in my heart
I called my real estate agent!
A man without any morals named Bart!
In no time at all, I bought a browntone...what a deal!
Boy from these people cheap property was easy to steal!
A new home! Where 3 families once lived, I evicted and lived alone.
And with great skillful skill and with great speedy speed- oh! oh!
I took over a bodega and built Zany's Cafe, yo!
Irazed the 100 year old wall at St. John the Divine to build a fugly condo!
The second I finished, I heard a ga-zump!
I looked and saw something jump out of the stump!
Of the 100 year old wall I just raped for a cheap corporate ass-hump!
There a snarling dog stand
Describe her.... that's hard! I don't know if I can
She was shortish. And oldish.
And brownish. And mossy.
And she spoke with a voice that smelt like horse-shit and was bossy.
“Yo! Dickface,” she said with sawdusty ash
“I am the Obi. I speak for the trash.
I speak for the Great Hill trash, for the trash has no tongue
And I am asking you, sir, at the top of my lungs —
Leave my neighborhood alone, fences in Central Park are a hex
They keep out the bar-ba-looters,
and stop the poor playing children from the projects.
Look Obi, there is no cause for alarm!
Ask this NYPD officer, he will agree!
That you do not count because you are poorer than me.
Everyone loves gentrification, you will see!
There will be a Harlem Restaurant Row, and say goodbye
To dogs like you running around Central Park free.
Obi said, “You fool! No NYPD will come up here.
The bar-ba-looters and kids from the projects they fear.
But, the very next minute, I proved him wrong
A fat, lazy cop came running with alarm!
Sir, is this scum Obi bothering you, where is her leash?
I will give the Obi tickets costing $100 each.
A ticket for off-leash, a ticket for no tags,
A ticket for no paperwork, for being the daughter of a hag
I laughed at the Obi, “You poor stupid bitch!
You never can stop the approach of a rich white guy!”
“I repeat,” cried the Obi,
I speak for the trash!”
“I’m busy,” I told her,
“You’re whining is a pain in my ass.”
I whipped out my diamond studded iPhone and in no time of all
I called my brothers and aunts
And I said, “Listen here! Here’s a wonderful chance
The whole Once-Ler Family will steal real estate with little cash advance!
Get over here fast! Take the road to North Nitch
Get off on 110th Street, sharp right west at South Stitch.”
And, in no time at all, we bought all the property
The condos, the coops, even the projects raped we!
We fenced off a garden where the bar-ba-looters play
And build a Children’s Glen were nobody goes to this day.
And the bar-ba-looters and kids from the projects had nowhere left to play
But the view from our property looks nice when we look out every tenth day.
And, where the hummer-birds used to hum, we built a playground,
Where little infants can run around.
And, we closed all the native shops and brought in chain stores!
Subway! Whole Foods! Starbucks forever more!
And, that disgusting Obi who ran without a leash?
What of her, I never saw her anymore.
But, then one day, she knocked on my gold-plated Brownstone door,
She snapped, “I am the Obi, I speak for the trash
Which you have cleaned up, for you the garbagemen work fast.
And then I got mad
I got terribly mad
I yelled at the Obi, “Where is your leash dad!
All you do is yap-yap- and say bad! Bad! Bad! Bad!
Well, I have my rights, dog, and I am telling you
I intend on doing just what I do!
And for your information Obi, I intend on gentrifying more
Pregnant ladies, and young mothers is what this ‘hood has in store!
Just then a woman with a baby carriage said to a poor project neighborhood boy
Get out of my way, I have to get to Bloomingday’s to buy my infant a toy.
And, the Obi said nothing. She just gave me a glance…
Just gave me a very sad, sad backwards glance…
And she lifted herself by the seat of her pants.
And I will never forget the grim look on her face
When she heisted herself and took leave of this place,
Through a hole in the smug, without leaving a trace.
And all that the Obi left in her place
Was condos without character,
People turning her trash into Upper Eastside Place
But, on a rock on the Great Hill is a rock that says Obi
If we stop the gentrification, and the smell of the NYPD disappears
Maybe just maybe
Good times for all can return.
“But now,” says the Once-ler
“Now that you’re here,”
The word of the Obi seems perfectly clear.
Unless someone like you
Cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better.
It's not.
Seamus the Goldendoodle (also known as Shameless, Lameass and See-Moose) is well known in his Harlem neighborhood because of his head-to-tail mohawk. He had his 15 minutes of fame in 2010 when he was featured on Animal Planet on "Your Pet Wants This."
He resides happily with an opera diva and an evil fluffy feline named The Deev. Seamus is deathly afraid of The Deev except when his Bestie Bitch Fred comes to visit. Then he chases the cat to please Fred and makes The Deev very, very angry.
He resides happily with an opera diva and an evil fluffy feline named The Deev. Seamus is deathly afraid of The Deev except when his Bestie Bitch Fred comes to visit. Then he chases the cat to please Fred and makes The Deev very, very angry.
seamus & fred 2010 |
Seamus finds any type of classical music incredibly boring and when his owner rehearses her arias at full volume, you will find him snoring under the piano.
He is 85 pounds of hairy happiness, and is one of the few dogs that has no human attributes whatsoever. Seamus is
**owned by Lauren**
Klondike is a rescue from the streets of New York City, and engaged in various criminal activities prior to his rehabilitation as a house pet. He was a bouncer for houses of ill repute during the day, and at night put on his super hero costume to steal from the rich to give to the poor (or himself). In the meantime, he liked to bully forest and city critters for fun, before turning into a productive tax paying canine citizen.
He does tend to fall back on his old habits when given the opportunity, and is notorious for mugging unsuspecting tourists for their breakfasts on the Great Hill over the years. His favorite M.O. is to sneak up behind them and snatch their bagels or baguettes (sometimes still in the paper bag). He then runs joyously across the grass while wolfing down his illegally obtained goodies.
He likes to say "I love you" and variations of "whooo whooo waaaaooo". What it means, only his owner knows, but she does a great job of translating his Malamute haikus. As a retiree, he vacations frequently in upstate New York, drives a Subaru WRX way past the legal speed limit and enjoys the occasional belly rub.
**owned by Mary Beth**
He does tend to fall back on his old habits when given the opportunity, and is notorious for mugging unsuspecting tourists for their breakfasts on the Great Hill over the years. His favorite M.O. is to sneak up behind them and snatch their bagels or baguettes (sometimes still in the paper bag). He then runs joyously across the grass while wolfing down his illegally obtained goodies.
He likes to say "I love you" and variations of "whooo whooo waaaaooo". What it means, only his owner knows, but she does a great job of translating his Malamute haikus. As a retiree, he vacations frequently in upstate New York, drives a Subaru WRX way past the legal speed limit and enjoys the occasional belly rub.
**owned by Mary Beth**
My name is Caleb and I'm a 3 year old shepherd/hound mix. My humble beginnings were on the hardscrabble streets of Quito, Ecuador. I was alone and hungry until the
amazing Doctor Del Pup found me and took me to her shelter. She got me off the streets and found homes for me and the other dogs she saved. She sponsored me and got me a ticket to
America. I was a skinny, scrawny pup until I found my forever home with the bestest Momma ever!
Now I live on the Upper West Side where I go out everyday with my posse in the Riverside Park dog run. On the weekends, I go to Central Park with Mom so I can hang out with my Bestie Bitch Fred and her brother Goofy. I go on lots of vacations with my mom and never have to ride in cargo again!
**owned by Shere**
Now I live on the Upper West Side where I go out everyday with my posse in the Riverside Park dog run. On the weekends, I go to Central Park with Mom so I can hang out with my Bestie Bitch Fred and her brother Goofy. I go on lots of vacations with my mom and never have to ride in cargo again!
**owned by Shere**
Aspen is an 11-month-old Siberian Husky who is often mistaken by foolish Harlem-dwellers for a wolf, fox, coyote or (ready for this?) werewolf. (yes, really.) She's extremely well-behaved and a total couch potato inside the house, but once off-leash time rolls around, her mischevious streak pops up. She loves nothing more than to snatch up great mouthfuls of grass under her disapproving owner's nose and sheepishly returns to face the inevitable post grass-eating time out... once she's swallowed down her "treat"!
Despite her impish tendencies, she's friendly, charming, and well-renowned for her talkative, howling ways & never forgets a person once she's met them, if even only one time. She's always a huge hit at the nursing home where her owner's grandmother lives and will be starting therapy dog training soon. Aspen is likely more well-traveled than some people; she was born in Missouri before relocating with her mother and littermates to Western Pennsylvania. From there she arrived in NYC in January 2011 after a complicated relay road trip with stops in Buffalo and Elmira. Her favorite pasttimes include playdates with her doggy friends & their 20-something owners and doing tricks in hopes that something edible will come her way.
**owned by Nzhinga**
Despite her impish tendencies, she's friendly, charming, and well-renowned for her talkative, howling ways & never forgets a person once she's met them, if even only one time. She's always a huge hit at the nursing home where her owner's grandmother lives and will be starting therapy dog training soon. Aspen is likely more well-traveled than some people; she was born in Missouri before relocating with her mother and littermates to Western Pennsylvania. From there she arrived in NYC in January 2011 after a complicated relay road trip with stops in Buffalo and Elmira. Her favorite pasttimes include playdates with her doggy friends & their 20-something owners and doing tricks in hopes that something edible will come her way.
**owned by Nzhinga**
This is the story of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, no… not the former Canadian Prime Minister but the equally adored Saint Bernard Mix who is the talk of Columbus Avenue. Known by his closest buddies as PJ, Peejmeister and Lil’ P, his always sunny and social personality often rub off on everyone around him.
Originally rescued from Virginia, he was brought to New York where North Shore Animal Shelter gave him a temporary home. He was featured at an adoption event at the Union Square Petco one Sunday afternoon; it remains unclear if it was his crimped afro or his lovable smile but his owners instantly fell in love and gave him a new home.
Pierre is often seen strolling the Upper West Side howling at fire trucks, chasing squirrels, eating rocks, and socializing in Central Park. He enjoys all the neighborhoods best restaurants while people watching and meeting new friends on the patios. Pierre’s vacation time consists of taking road trips to the beach
and jumping the ocean waves, then digging his nose in the sand! At home, Pierre insists on shaking your hand and giving a lick immediately upon arriving home and is crazy about his high-fives! Like every puppy he has his mischievous moments, but his adorable smile and one-eyed wink usually ensure quick forgiveness, and a whole lot of treats.
**owned by Rahul and Milica**
Aza first set her wild golden eyes on her person on a street called HaShalom. "Dog!" said person (thank you New York preschools.) "Mama?" replied Aza and happily followed her person home. From milk teeth, floppy ears and dopy legs came old world fangs, proud pharaonic ears and long statuesque legs. She looks as if she stepped out of an Egyptian temple and into that Negev Desert, which gave her her sandy colors, disdain for being wet, love for rolling in rotting sheep skins and innards, and taste for sun-dried stray-cat cacas ("It's like tootsie rolls, Ma.") She has a racing stripe that doubles as a mohawk and isn't afraid to use it if you go near her lady donut parts. She is highly intelligent and agile - she can jump 4 feet high from standing and can take out a pigeon midair and hide the body in a flower pot without any evidence. She is working on overcoming her fear of the MTA, oceans and Korean ladies with Furminators. Aza loves sunbathing, belly rubs, cats, men, running, and pouncing after animals with fluffy tails. When chasing furry woodland creatures, she often looks like a deer, thus Aza's name, a modified form of the Arabic word for gazelle, ghazal. 'Aza' is also the Hebrew word used in the phrase "love is stronger than death." Indeed, she is full of love and sincerity. She recently immigrated with her person to NYC via Switzerland.
Breed: Pharaoh Hound mix (not a dingo)
BFF: Helix the hyena pitt hound
Secret Crush: Sam for his dreamy black fluffy tail
One wish: World peace
Alternate wish: a kitty to call her very own
**owned by Vina**
Breed: Pharaoh Hound mix (not a dingo)
BFF: Helix the hyena pitt hound
Secret Crush: Sam for his dreamy black fluffy tail
One wish: World peace
Alternate wish: a kitty to call her very own
**owned by Vina**
Bear has the sturdy grace, intelligence, intense loyalty and drive to please for which German Shepherds are justly celebrated. But in other ways he is endearingly different from the breed with which he shares more than a few genes. He's not so serious; he smiles. He’s confident but not imperious. At his water bowl, he drinks sloppy. He’ll roll over on his back and shamelessly angle for a pet. At age six, he loves stuffed toys as much as any puppy.
The early hand Bear was dealt in life was not a lucky one. Relief from the neglect and abuse came on a bitter cold February day in 2007 in upstate New York, when authorities rescued him and took him to the Sullivan County SPCA. Adopted a few days later, everything in his life changed, except his name. Now, he loves playing with his friends, walking in the park, riding in the convertible, swimming in the lake, taming the sprinkler, bounding through the snow, chasing a deer, resting idly on the couch.
And asked if his nose make his ass look fat, Bear replied, “Look, I'm an alpha male. Let’s just say I don’t hear many complaints from the bitches."
**owned by Jeff**
The early hand Bear was dealt in life was not a lucky one. Relief from the neglect and abuse came on a bitter cold February day in 2007 in upstate New York, when authorities rescued him and took him to the Sullivan County SPCA. Adopted a few days later, everything in his life changed, except his name. Now, he loves playing with his friends, walking in the park, riding in the convertible, swimming in the lake, taming the sprinkler, bounding through the snow, chasing a deer, resting idly on the couch.
And asked if his nose make his ass look fat, Bear replied, “Look, I'm an alpha male. Let’s just say I don’t hear many complaints from the bitches."
**owned by Jeff**
As we all know, Roxie Doo Bouvier McCaffery Braverman is the greatest living creature of our generation. Most even question her mortality, and billions the world over worship her immortal beauty, grace and wisdom. We all know of her legendary romances with Elvis, John Lennon and Marlyn Monroe. Every school boy and girl can recount how she single-pawedly defeated Hitler, tore down the Berlin Wall and destroyed the Death Star. Her contribution to the sciences is unparalleled, she has won over 1,000,000,000 olympic gold metals, her face is on coins in every country in the world and her smile cures cancer.
Yes, she is now celebrated the world over by Christians as the Second Coming of Jesus, by Muslims as the Mighty White Sheik and by Hindus as the Great 65-armed, 55-head, 25-tailed Goddess. But, Roxie came from humble beginnings. She was born Roxie Lee Bouvier in Southampton, New York, to Wall Street stock broker John Vernou Bouvier III (also known as "Black Jack Bouvier") and Janet Norton Lee. The Bouviers divorced in 1940 with Janet Bouvier later marrying Standard Oil heir Hugh D. Auchincloss, Jr. in 1942.
When she was a teenager, she met Robert LeRoy Parker, better known as Butch Cassidy, and moved with him and his Wild Bunch Gange to Hole in the Wall, Wyoming. After pursuing a career in crime for several years in the United States, the pressures of being pursued, notably by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, forced the couple to flee with an accomplice, Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, known as the Sundance Kid. They first fled to Argentina and then to Bolivia, where she invented Tacos, Salsa, the Tango, the Forbidden Dance, the Macarana and rainbows.
Bored with this romance, she turned her focus to military conquest. Because at the time West Point did not admit African Americans, females or dogs as cadets, she joined the Army under the pseudonymous name, George Smith Patton. After achieving the rank of General, she personally chased Adolf Hitler down. Upon capturing him, she gave him such a big wedgie that his testicles remain permanently lodged in his throat.
After her defeat of the Nazis, the French asked her to serve as their eternal empress. But, she soon turned her attention back to the United States. Upon her return, she was aghast at the racial discrimination she saw. Despite having white fur, Roxie is in fact an African American dog. She turned her gorgeous other cheek to violence, and instead adopted the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. This culminated in a 1963 march on Washington, D.C. where she delivered her famous "I Have A Dream" speech.
Having single handedly united the races, Roxie proceeded to be the first dog on the moon, invented a Time Machine after dreaming about a mysterious "flux capacitor" and now resides in Harlem with her lifemate Dylan Braverman.
Samson "Sam" the Dog is a purebred Black Fluffy Mutt. In Sept 2004, when he was about 1-year-old, Sam adopted his parents Sherri and Brett from New Yorkers for Companion Animals (, for which they are forever grateful. Sam is a gentleman and a lover, and he shows his particular fondness for Jen by licking his chops every time he sees her. Sam also loves squirrels and turtles, and despite his gentle soul he won't hesitate to bare his teeth in defense of a favorite Cuz or gorilla toy.
**owned by Sherri and Brett**
**owned by Sherri and Brett**
Bebop is from a rare New York City breed: the Jazzhound. Although he was rescued in East Harlem, Bebop is an Upper West Side dog living near Duke Ellington Blvd. Bebop loves all types of music, but like his legendary drumming owner, he's a cool cat when it comes to jazz. He happily shares his apartment with a full drum kit, and sits on his owner's lap while he rehearses. Bebop loves crashing cymbals, booming bass drum, women and the occasional table scraps. He hates all squirrels, and wouldn't mind having a pet cat.
**owned by Barry**
**owned by Barry**
Ginger, aka G-dog, Gingerbread, Gingerama, Gingerpalooza, or just plain “G”, is a 2-year old pit bull/shepherd mix who met her forever family at an Adopt-a-thon in Washington Square Park. Her people fell in love with her soulful, intelligent eyes and disproportionately large ears. We think she receives intergalactic messages through them, some would say “she hears dead people.” Ginger is an exuberant student of life -- an energetic playmate of dogs, children and grow-ups alike, an avid tennis ball chaser/chewer, a steadfast guard dog, an intrepid explorer (especially if there is food involved) and a sweet and tolerant sibling of Lady MacDuff, the cat. She is also an escape artist – she can open the front door and leave the apartment. Ginger likes long walks, meeting new people and dogs, roughhousing, chasing birds and squirrels, guarding her family members, especially when they sit on the toilet, and anything with peanut butter on it or in it. Ginger dislikes neighbors who do laundry early in the morning, motorcycles, bathing and water in general, being cooped up indoors, and anyone who does not shower her with attention.
**owned by Anna and Mark**
**owned by Anna and Mark**
Lulu Belle Esmerelda is a 6 year old cocker spaniel.
Her favorite activities: flirting with the 'boys', chasing squirrels, obsessing over tennis balls, hanging out under the bed, being a nervous nilly, snuggling.
She hearts: travelling with 'mom', Central Park before 9 & after 9, baby carrots, frozen peas, apple slices, cow knee caps, bones to chew on, any random wadded up piece of napkin or white paper.
**owned by Suzie**
Her favorite activities: flirting with the 'boys', chasing squirrels, obsessing over tennis balls, hanging out under the bed, being a nervous nilly, snuggling.
She hearts: travelling with 'mom', Central Park before 9 & after 9, baby carrots, frozen peas, apple slices, cow knee caps, bones to chew on, any random wadded up piece of napkin or white paper.
**owned by Suzie**
Milo is a Chorkie (Yorkie and Chihuahua mix). He was given to his owner when he was 1 1/2 years old by a family who could not have pets in their new condo. He is now almost 4, but everyone who looks at him, especially kids & tourists, refer to him as "Look at the puppy". Milo's favorite hobby is trying to hump other male dogs regardless of size, but the way his owner see it, Milo was born to be on top.
**owned by Joe**
**owned by Joe**
Belle, formally known as Bluebelle, is six years old and hails from the New Haven, CT area. Her mother, Snap, holds many medals in obedience trials; Belle has not taken up this family activity as of yet. Belle began life in New York as a companion to Brunhilde, an 11-year old Airedale known for her curmudgeonly ways. Perhaps because of this, Belle is especially drawn to senior canines and is a cheerful, always up sort of girl. In fact, Belle likes everyone and everything except ceiling fans, vacuum cleaners, luggage carts, hoses (both water and air) and leaf blowers. She holds a special animosity towards manual lawnmowers. Belle collects Beanie Babies - her favorite one is the Puffin - and she has a feline's fascination with laser pointers. Belle loves swimming, especially when she can try and catch pebbles thrown out onto the water. Her favorite meal (after meat) is pizza crust.
**owned by Francine, Fernando and Harry**
**owned by Francine, Fernando and Harry**
**owned by Brad**
Lucy is a crazy red-headed mutt who loves to run wild on the Great Hill. Her favorite activities involve wrestling with her friends, digging for worms, and jumping on unsuspecting humans who are already dressed for work. It's a good thing that Lucy has a ridiculously soft coat and adorable smile or else her owners might not forgive her so easily for being such a crazy girl!
**owned by Kelly and Eliseo**
**owned by Kelly and Eliseo**
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